By the kind invitation of Mr and Mrs Sam Galsworthy, the RHS Rhododendron, Camellia & Magnolia Group is holding this year’s Annual General Meeting at Trewithen, in the Court Room at 1.45 pm on Saturday 1 June.
The event will be hosted by the South West Branch and include the RCM Group Centenary Cup Competition. The best exhibit in that competition will be awarded the Centenary Cup. There will be eight classes, the best exhibit in each class being awarded a certificate. The Centenary Cup will be awarded to the best of the eight exhibits.
All members are welcome to exhibit, and stewards will be available to help with staging. There is an entry form which it would be helpful if you could complete as it would be useful to know who is exhibiting and roughly how many exhibits they intend to bring, just to help with staging.
There is no charge to enter the Centenary Cup Competition or to attend the AGM.
Staging for the Centenary Cup Competition:
Friday 31 May: 2pm to 6pm & Saturday 1 June: 7.30am to 10am
Judging: From 10am until 11am. All exhibitors will be asked to leave whilst judging takes place. Immediately after judging is completed the presentation of the prize certificates for each class will be made. Once judging has been completed the show will be open to the public. The winner of the Centenary Cup will be announced and presented with the Cup after the AGM. The show will also be open to the public on Sunday 2 June from 10am until 4pm.
Invitation form
Reply Form
Absentee Voting Form
The gardens will be open to all AGM attendees and competition entrants whilst the judging takes place and there will be guided tours with the Head Gardener, Gary Long, and his team after the AGM.
There will be tea and coffee available in the Court Room from 11am for AGM attendees and competition entrants.
Lunch will either be a proper Cornish Pasty from the renowned Mary’s Pasties (choice of fillings (steak, cheese & onion or vegan, £5 each, to be ordered in advance) or for those who prefer a more formal meal, Trewithen’s Tea Shed café will be open (at members’ own expense).
Saturday evening: Gary Long and his team have offered to give a presentation to our members who will be in Cornwall for the weekend. ‘Trewithen: Past, Present & Future’ will explain and describe the history of the garden and its owners, the important plants in its landscape, how the gardens look today and the exciting plans for its future. A cold buffet is planned before the talk but numbers will be needed to firm up plans for this proposed event.
Sunday 2 June: The gardens at Trewithen will remain open to attendees without charge for the whole of the weekend but please remember to wear the badge you are given on Saturday. Members may also wish to attend the Rare Plant Fair at nearby Tregrehan to be held from 10am with no entry fee. Visit for more information.
You may also visit the gardens at Tregrehan at the reduced cost of £5.
If you wish to attend any or all of the events, please complete the Invitation Form and email it to
There is no charge to enter the Centenary Cup competition or the AGM.
Final Accounts 2022 - 2023
Independent Examiner's report
Trustees report