Future RHS show dates
Competition | Location | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 |
Early Camellia Competition Rosemoor Daffodil Competition | RHS Garden, Rosemoor | March 11&12 | March 9&10 | March 8&9 | March 14&15 | March 13&14 |
| 9 April | 31 March | 20 April | 5 April | 28 March |
Spring Ornamental Competition Early Rhododendron Competition Main Camellia Competition | RHS Garden, Wisley | April 1&2 | April 6&7 | April 12&13 | April 11&12 | April 10&11 |
Main Rhododendron Competition | RHS Garden, Rosemoor | April 22&23 | April 20&21 | April 26&27 | April 25&26 | April 24&25 |
Please note - Filming, photography, recording and broadcasting may take place during the show and at the venue you will be attending. By attending you give your express consent to the use of photographs, videos or other images taken at the event for the sole purpose and use for RCM Group publicity , either on-line, on our website or printed material.