Camellia japonica 'Drama Girl'
Parentage not released.
California 1950
AM 1966 (for a cool house),FCC 1969 (for a cool house),AGM (2002) 2012
Very vigorous growth, with long drooping branches; needs some pruning.
Flowers: in the greenhouse very large (to 12.5cm in a cool house) semi-double often with petaloid
stamens; outside a loose peony form, deep salmon rose often streaked with paler pink.
Foliage: glossy dark green oval leaves.
Mid to late season.
This taxon will survive outside, at least in the southern UK, but for the large C.reticulata type
a cool greenhouse is needed in all but the warmest areas. However, still has some of the largest
blooms that can be grown outside in the UK.
Excellent on a warm wall.
Photo: Maurice Foster
Photos: Jim Stephens