

Camellia granthamiana
Distribution: Hong Kong
Flowers: white, and borne singly at the tips of shoots, 100-140mm across, with 9 or 10 long, narrow, notched petals, occasionally very slightly tinged pink on the margins. The stamen cluster is very attractive, bright golden yellow with an orange tint to the anthers. It blooms profusely, pollinates readily in warm climates and sets seed well, making it very useful for hybridisers.
Leaves: very variable according to how much shade is given, 80-150mm long, 20-55mm wide, serrate and with deeply impressed veins.
In cultivation it forms a dense shrub. In the wild, it is a tree up to 8m tall.
It is not frost hardy and needs to be grown under glass in the U.K.

Location: Quinta do Palheiro, Madeira
Photo: George Hargreaves

Location: Quinta do Palheiro, Madeira
Photo: George Hargreaves

Location: Quinta do Palheiro, Madeira
Photo: George Hargreaves