Magnolia 'Elizabeth'
acuminata x
Pentaploid 2n=95, so normally does not set seed.
Eva Maria Sperber, Brooklyn BG, 1956
AGM (1993, 2002) 2012
Medium sized spreading tree, probably to 10m by 8m.
10 year height/spread: 7.5m/5m
Upright primrose yellow buds open to elegant flowers with red stamens, and usually 9 tepals
more spatulate than denudata, and which slowly fade to ivory inside and out leaving a deeper
colour outside at the base. They open almost flat before falling and are up to 25cm wide: early May
Foliage: opening with dull red tinges, the obovate leaves with acuminate tips quickly turn gark green,
and average 16cm by 7.5cm.
Recognise by: hard to distinguish from the M.brooklynensis
hybrids out of flower: the open
vigorous growth habit with denudata type leaves which are acuminate. The large pale yellow flowers are
easy to grow, and fast growing. Flowers young. The yellow colouration is affected by climate, being
deeper on early flowers and after a short winter. A very desirable and elegantly coloured magnolia.
Location: Hindleap, Sussex, May 1992
Photo: Mike Robinson
Other Photographs
Source: Arboretum Wespelaar
Source: Arboretum Wespelaar
Source: Arboretum Wespelaar
Source: Arboretum Wespelaar