Magnolia 'Sayonara'
Lennei Alba x Veitchii, so denudata, campbellii
, and probably liliiflora
Gresham, Santa Cruz, California, 1955
AGM (1993, 2002) 2012
A tree, likely to reach 10m by 6m.
10 year height/spread: 5m/3m
The upright flowers have a basal purplish flash, but appear white from a distance. They have 12 tepals
which remain fairly upright as with M.denudata
, but are bigger (up to 13cm long).
Foliage: similar to M.soulangeana.
Recognise by: the flower colour, and shape, and the time of flowering (later than
denudata); the tree like habit.
A very attractive, floriferous, and basically white tree magnolia with large
soulangeana type flowers.
Location: Hindleap, Sussex
Photo: Mike Robinson