Magnolias Plant Directory


Michelia doltsopa
Found in forests: 1500-2300 m. Xizang, Yunnan, Bhutan, NE India, Myanmar, Nepal
Flowers: Creamy-white, 10cm across, powerfully fragrant.
March - April.
Leaves: Evergreen, thick and leathery, up to 18cm long.
Both the leaf and flower buds are covered in thick, copper-coloured, velvety hairs.
It enjoys a sheltered position in full or part sun and appreciates well drained soil and can grow to a height of 12 metres.
It is possible to grow this outside in the warmer parts of the UK.

Location: Trewithen
Photo: Stephen Lyus

Location: Tregothnan
Photo: Stephen Lyus

Location: Trewithen
Photo: Stephen Lyus

Location: Gaudiniere, Nantes, France
Photo: Koen Camelbeke

Cultivar 'Silver Cloud'
Location: Caerhays
Photo: George Hargreaves

Location: Caerhays
Photo: Brian Roebuck