Magnolias Plant Directory

grandiflora Victoria AGM

Magnolia grandiflora 'Victoria'
Section Theorodon
Epithet: with large flowers.
Hexaploid (2n=114)
AM 1931 to the clone 'Goliath', AGM (2002) 2012 to this clone.
A large tree to 30m/20m (the species)
10 year height/spread: 4m/3.5m
Flowers: 9-12 tepals about 12cm long and up to 9cm wide, creamy white with purple filaments,
opening out to a champagne glass shape up to 28cm across.
Foliage: evergreen, shining and mid to dark green above, felted below with a thin rusty red indumentum.
Introduced to England: before 1732 (the species),this clone perhaps 1930.
Distribution: S.E. United States: North Carolina south to Florida and west to E.Texas and
Arkansas (the species).
Recognise by: the species is unmistakable. This clone has a markedly red indumentum, splitting
and shedding on older leaves, and rusty red floccose branches on the new growth.
This clone flowers reliably and is said to be very hardy.
It was introduced from England probably to Victoria, British Columbia and is particularly hardy, withstanding -24 C.

Location: Lustleigh, Devon
Photo: Colin Brown

Location: Lustleigh, Devon
Photo: Colin Brown