Magnolia sargentiana
L.Messel 1935
Distribution: N.Yunnan, W.Sichuan, Sikang
Height: to 25m, the tallest Chinese magnolia.
10 year height/spread: 6m/3m?
Flowers: white flushed pink to 35cm dia.
History: Discovered 1869 by David.
Introduced 1908 by Wilson, and via France to Kew in 1913.
Recognise by: tall slender tree; tepals narrower than v. robusta, and 10-14 unlike
dawsoniana which has a different habit.
Flowers more at the top of the tree.
Wild collected seedlings flower only after about 25 years, compared to S.robusta's 12.
Uncommon in the UK.
Location: Wespelaar Arboretum
Photo: Philippe de Spoelberch
Location: Wespelaar Arboretum
Photo: Philippe de Spoelberch
Source: Arboretum Wespelaar
Source: Arboretum Wespelaar
Location: Wakehurst Place, Sussex, April 1993
Photo: Mike Robinson
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