Magnolia x soulangeana
M. denudata x M. liliiflora
Probably polyploid 2n=114
For a discussion on the ploidy of the soulangeana complex see Treseder 'Magnolias' 1978.
C.Brozzoni, Brescia, Italy, 1873
AGM 2012
A complexity of colour forms from milky white through shades of pink to an intense reddish purple;
the shape varies from tulip shape, cup and saucer to a goblet.
March - early May
Foliage: elliptic to obovate, up to 20 x 11.5cm, dark glossy green above, paler beneath, with fine hairs along the mid-rib and veins.
Multistemmed large shrub or broad-spreading tree.
Etienne Soulange-Boudin, a cavalry officer in Napolean's army, founded the Royal Institute of Horticulture at Fromont, near Paris. It was here that he pollinated M. denudata
with M. liliiflora
. The resultant hybrid flowered for the first time in 1827.
This is probably the most widely planted magnolia throughout the British Isles. Even young plants of two or three years produce flowers in quantity.
Location: Wales
Photo: Roger Newton
Location: Wales
Photo: Roger Newton