Magnolia x soulangeana
soulangeana ? seedling
Probably polyploid 2n=114
For a discussion on the ploidy of the soulangeana complex see Treseder 'Magnolias' 1978.
C.Brozzoni, Brescia, Italy, 1873
AGM 2012
FCC 1929 Exbury, AGM (1969),2002
5m by 4m.
10 year height/spread: 3.5m/4m
Upright candle shaped white flowers which reflex to 25cm across just before falling: late April.
Foliage: elliptic mid green somewhat acuminate leaves to 14cm.
Recognise by: the large white upright flowers which are later than average. These often have a
greenish basal external flush, and are carmine flushed inside.
One of the best soulangeana cultivars, and one of the to flower (although not really 'late').
Source: Arboretum Wespelaar
Location: ?, Wales
Photo: Roger Newton