Magnolias Plant Directory

soulangeana Rustica Rubra

Magnolia x soulangeana
'Rustica Rubra'
liliiflora x denudata
Polyploid 2n=156
For a discussion on the ploidy of the soulangeana complex see Treseder 'Magnolias' 1978.
Boskoop c.1893
AM 1960, (AGM 1969, 2002, removed 2012)
5m by 4m
A small tree or large shrub of fairly upright habit.
10 year height/spread: 3m/2.5m
Upright buds open to goblet shaped flowers to 15cm across. Open from deep red purple buds,
the flowers white inside and of a reddish pink externally: mid April.
Foliage: usually elliptic, sometimes with an acuminate tip.
Recognise by: the reddish coloured goblet shaped flowers, paler than Lennei. A more upright habit
compared to Lennei.

Source: Arboretum Wespelaar

Source: Arboretum Wespelaar