

Rhododendron 'Cetewayo'
Parentage unknown
Waterer before 1883
AM 1958, (AGM 2002 removed 2012)
Flowers: 14-21/compact, dome-shaped truss, campanulate, 50 x 45-50mm, buds almost black,
opening beetroot purple, with amber spotting in the throat.
Late-May - Early-June.
Foliage: 108 x 40mm, mid to dark glossy green.
10 year height/spread: 1.2m/1.5m
Good compact growth habit only becoming large very slowly.
Recognise by: impossible to identify out of flower.
Free flowering and easily rooted. Best in full sun.
The colour is so remarkably dark that some people rave about it and others find it gloomy.

Location: Ramster 2008
Photo: Miranda Gunn