

Rhododendron cinnabarinum ssp.
cinnabarinum 'Conroy'
Cinnabarina subsection
Epithet: cinnabar red.
AM 1918 Reuthe to 'Roylei', 1945 Bodnant as blandfordiiflorum
, 1953 Windsor to 'Vin Rose', 1954
Ingram as 'Cuprea', 1977 Hydon to 'Nepal', AM 1959 Bodnant.
Height: shrub 2 - 6m.
10 year height/spread: 2m/1.5m.
Flowers: deep plum crimson through cinnabar red to orange, pink and
yellow (the species),light orange tinged rose (the clone).
Introduced: 1849 Hooker from Sikkim.
Distribution: Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan,S & SE Tibet, 2100 - 4000m.
Recognise by: usually glaucous ovate small leaves, pendulous flowers (the
species),flower colour (the clone).
An upright shrub with wonderful hanging flowers, which are unique to
this subsection, on nicely contrasting glacous foliage, but many forms suffer
badly from mildew. 'Conroy' and ssp. xanthocodon
are supposed to be
more resistant. Var. purpurellum
is the only variety not to be affected by
powdery mildew.

Photo: Koen Camelbeke
Location: Trompenburg

Photo: Koen Camelbeke
Location: Branklyn