Rhododendron 'Corneille'
Hybrid deciduous azalea
Parentage unknown
Rustica hybrid raised by L de Smet before 1900
AMT 1958, AGM (1969) 2002 withdrawn 2012
A shrub growing 1.2–1.6m in 10 years
Flowers: Compact, domed trusses of 8-10 funnel-shaped, hose-in-hose flowers. Flowers are about 40mm long × 40mm wide; inner corolla pale rose, outer corolla blush rose
Late May–June
Not scented
Foliage: Leaves are 45-50mm long × 20mm wide; mid green. Good autumn leaf colour. Deciduous
Other information: Introduced by C. Vuylsteke in 1900. Rustica hybrids are a part of the Hardy Ghents
Easy to grow, needs some sun to thrive. Commercially available
Photo: Philippe de Spoelberch
Location: West Sussex
Photo: Andy and Jenny Fly
Photo: Jim Inskip Archive