
Electra AGM

Rhododendron 'Electra'
augustinii subsp.
chasmanthum (s) X
augustinii subsp.
AM 1940 (Electra Group),AGM (1993) 2012
Flowers: 4-7/truss, 40 x 65mm (short tube, spreading limb),violet blue, paler in throat and with a
narrow ray of olive green marking on a white ground.
Calyx very short, sparsely ciliate.
Foliage: elliptic to oblong-elliptic, c65 x 22mm,
dull and dark green above, with sparse golden scales below, midrib hairy.
Height: shrub 4 - 7m
10 year height/spread: 2.5m/1.5m

Location: Lustleigh, Devon
Photo: Colin Brown

Location: Lustleigh, Devon
Photo: Colin Brown