Rhododendron 'Exquisitum'
Hybrid deciduous azalea
Occidentale hybrid; parentage unknown
M. Koster, Boskoop 1901
AMT 1950, FCCT 1968, AGM (1993, 2002) 2012
A shrub growing to 1.5m in 10 years, eventually up to 2.2m in height
Flowers: Compact domed trusses of 12-25 long funnel-shaped, single flowers. Flowers are 50-55mm long × 50-55mm wide; creamy white with a soft flush of amber yellow and a saffron yellow blotch; lobes are wavy-edged
Late May
Foliage: Leaves are glossy, light to mid-green; 100mm long × 40mm wide; good autumn colour; deciduous
Other Information: Easy to grow; needs some sun. Commercially available
Location: Devon
Photo: Caroline Bell
Photo: John Parry