
Frank Galsworthy

Rhododendron 'Frank Galsworthy'
ponticum hybrid
Syn: 'Purple and Gold'
AM 1960, (AGM 1993 removed 2012)
Flowers: 15-20/compact, globular truss, funnel-shaped, 50 x 50-65mm, near garnet lake,
with very pale olive spotting on dorsal lobe.
Mid-May - Mid-June
Foliage: 140-160 x 40mm, mid to deep dull green above.
10 year height/spread: 1m/1.5m
Recognise by: only the flowers.
One of the most spectacular blotched hybrids, but has uninteresting foliage.
Easy to grow.

Location: Ramster 2008
Photo: Miranda Gunn