Rhododendron 'Gartendirektor Rieger'
Adriaan Koster x williamsianum
(so williamsianum, campylocarpum ssp.
campylocarpum, catawbiense, griffithianum
and unknown).
Hobbie before 1980
AGM (2002) 2012
1.8m by 2.4m
10 year height/spread: 1m/1.4m
Flowers: open topped trusses of cream tinged pink
flowers with red dorsal spotting.
Dark rounded slightly recurved leaves with yellow/
green petioles, more pointed than williamsianum.
A fairly dense rounded bush quite tall growing.
Recognise by: the similarities in foliage to
williamsianum; the flowers.
Easy to grow and free flowering. Similar to 'Rothenburg' in habit.
Herkenrode, Belgium, May 2003
Photo: Mike Robinson