Rhododendron 'Glory of Littleworth'
Parentage unknown
J H Mangles pre-1884
AM 1911
Upright twiggy shrub growing to 1.25-1.5m 10 years; eventually grows much taller
Flowers: Compact, hemispherical trusses of up to 18 or more tubular funnel-shaped, single flowers. Flowers are 40-45 long × 50-60mm wide, 5 lobed; creamy orange and tipped pink in bud, opening to milk white, with a heavy, copper orange, dorsal blotch
Foliage: Leaves are lanceolate to elliptic, up to 130mm long x 30mm wide, dull, slightly glaucous green above; semi-evergreen
Other information: Azaleodendron are hybrids between rhododendrons and azaleas. Glory of Littleworth has superb large trusses of flowers that are striking. It can be long lived and will form a very large shrub or small tree in 50-60 years. Commercially available
Photo: Robin Whiting
Location: Dorset
Location: Isabella Plantation
Photo: Polly Cooke
Location: Isabella Plantation
Photo: Polly Cooke
Location: Dorset
Photo: Russell Beeson
Photo: George Hargreaves