
Lord Roberts AGM

Rhododendron 'Lord Roberts'
catawbiense hybrid?
B. Mason or Fromow & Sons before 1900
AGM (2002) 2012
3m by 4m
10 year height/spread: 1.8m/2m
Flowers: rounded compact trusses of about 12 openly campanulate reddish crimson flowers with a darker flare and pale anthers.
Average flat glabrous matt catawbiense type foliage.
Recognise by: only the flowers.
Easy to root and free flowering from a young age, and is hardy.
Handsome neat trusses of dark red, but the colour has some blue in it which is more noticeable on the fading flowers.
Best in full sun.

Photo: Philip Evans
Location: Painswold, Sussex

Photo: Chris Callard

Photo: John Archer