
Nancy Waterer AGM

Rhododendron 'Nancy Waterer'

Hybrid deciduous azalea

Ghent hybrid; parentage unknown

Anthony Waterer before 1869

Syn: ‘Lady Pigott’ or ‘Lady Pygot’

AGM (1969, 2002) 2012


A shrub growing 2-3.5m in height and almost as wide

Flowers: Trusses of large, widely funnel shaped, single flowers with prominent stamens. Flowers are 45-58mm wide; brilliant golden yellow, spotted dark orange

May-early June


Foliage: Good autumn colour; deciduous

Other Information: The first image of this English bred Hardy Ghent appeared in ‘The Florist’ in 1869

Limited commercial availability

Location: Sweden

Photo: Sidney Wood

Photo: Jim Inskip Archive