
Pink Pancake AGM

Rhododendron 'Pink Pancake'

Evergreen azalea hybrid

'Chinyeyi' x R. nakaharae

H T Rokujo, Japan 1960; registered by Mrs J W Hill 1976


AGM (2002) 2012

An almost prostrate shrub growing to a maximum of 0.25m in height but spreading to about 1m in width after 10 years

Flowers: Open funnel-shaped, solitary flowers. Flowers are 45mm long × 60mm wide with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong pink with vivid red spots on the dorsal lobe

Late June- early July

Not scented

Foliage: Leaves are narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, 30mm long × 10mm wide; glossy green above; hairy on both surfaces. Evergreen

Other Information: A floriferous, prostrate azalea that is late flowering. Easy to grow; very hardy. Commercially available

Location: Surrey

Photo: Polly Cooke

Location: Devon

Photo: Caroline Bell