Rhododendron 'Polar Bear'
diaprepes x auriculatum
Stevenson before 1924
FCC 1946, AGM 1993
9m by 9m
10 year height/spread: 3m/3m
Flowers: large trusses of about 12 large white
trumpet shaped flowers. Very fragrant.
Large mid green smooth leaves with green petioles
similar to diaprepes but auriculate.
Recognise by: the flowering time, the blotch in the
throat and the far reaching fragrance. The FCC
form from Tower Court is said to be more
Tolerates sun and leggy in dense shade. There are
many forms in commerce as the plant comes true
from seed. The flowers on the FCC clone are the
best, but it is more or less impossible to be certain
you are getting this clone as nursery size plants will
not be in flower! Forms with poor trusses should
be discarded. Good forms should be in every
collection in which space permits.
Tregoning Mill, Cornwall 2007
Tregoning Mill, Cornwall 2007