Rhododendron 'Tidbit'
dichroanthum ssp. dichroanthum x wardii ssp. wardii
Henny 1957
HC 1977, AGM (2002) 2012
1m by 1.5m
10 year height/spread: 0.6m/0.9m
Flowers: open lax trusses of about 6 cheery red buds open to quite small openly campanulate waxy straw
yellow flowers with a petaloid calyx.
Compact growth except in shade; attractive shiny pointed dark flat leaves.
Recognise by: the flower colour and open truss, and the markedly shiny foliage similar to dichroanthum.
Dislikes full sun and needs good drainage.
Extremely free flowering from an early age, and attractive in and out of flower.
Location: Deer Dell, Surrey
Photo: John McQuire