Rhododendron calostrotum ssp. keleticum
Saluenensia subsection
AM 1928 to Gill, Falmouth, AGM (1993) 2012
Height: shrub 0.15-0.45m.
10 year height/spread: 0.15m/0.5m.
Flowers: trusses of 1-3 bright almost flat deep purplish crimson or purplish
rose flowers with crimson basal spots.
Introduced: 1919 Forrest from E.Tibet
Distribution: NE Burma, E Tibet 3900 - 4600m.
Recognise by: very compact habit; non bristly nature; the flower colour; foliage
oblong or ovate 2cm, dark green and shining, under surface densely scaly.
Similar to radicans but this has narrow leaves.
Epithet: with a beautiful covering, charming.
A neat growing showy dwarf species.
Location: Deer Dell, Surrey
Photo: John McQuire