

Rhododendron gongshanense
Irrorata subsection
Epithet: from the Gongshan.
Flowers: 18-21 flowered; 5-lobed, funnel-campanulate, 30-35mm long, deep red with nectar pouches.
Leaves: leathery, narrowly lanceolate or oblanceolate, 120-210mm x 28-42mm, apex acuminate, base cuneate, upper surface glabrous, rugose, lower with veins promininently raised, glandular with setose glands; detersile; papillose.
Distribution: Gaoligongshan, Yunnan 2100-2500m.
Shrub 2.5 - 4m high; young branchlets setose glandular.
Peter Cox and Robert collected the seed west of Gongshan, Yunnan, in 2000; this is the first time it has bloomed for Robert.

Location: Port Ludlow, WA USA
Photo: Robert Zimmermann

Location: Port Ludlow, WA USA
Photo: Robert Zimmermann