
maddenii ssp. maddenii

Rhododendron maddenii ssp. maddenii
Epithet: after Lt. Col. E.Madden (d 1856),traveller in India
Maddenia subsection
AM 1938 (Trengwainton),flowers white, greenish within
AM 1978 (Sandling Park) 'Ascreavie', flowers white flushed rose (L&S 1141)
AGM 1993
Height: shrub 1 - 3m.
Flowers: 2-6/truss, tubular-funnel-shaped, 65 - 100mm long, fragrant, rather densely scaly outside, white, white suffused with rose or pale pink, with or without greensih or pink blotch.
Usually May/June
Foliage: lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, 53-145 x 20-56mm, upper surface dark green or bright green, underside densely scaly
Distribution: Sikkim, Bhutan, 1500-2750m.
Recognise by: stem and branches with smooth, brown, flaking bark.

Location: Wirral
Photo: Angela Brabin

Location: Dorset
Photo: Russell Beeson