Rhododendron molle ssp. japonicum
Subgenus Pentanthera Section Pentanthera
Species deciduous azalea
Synonym: Azalea japonica
Epithet: From Japan
A shrub growing 0.6-1.8m in height; sometimes stoloniferous
Flowers: Trusses of 6-12, widely funnel-shaped, single flowers opening before the leaves. Flowers are 48-62mm long × 50-62mm wide; orange, salmon red, yellow or brick red with a large orange blotch; 5 stamens
Not scented
Foliage: Obovate, oblong-obovate or oblanceolate; upper surface dark green, underside paler green and not pubescent. Leaves are 50-115mm long × 18-35mm wide; turn red in late autumn. Deciduous
Distribution: Japan from sea level to 1000m
Other information: Introduced to the UK in the 1860s. Tolerant of less acid soil than some species in the Pentanthera subsection. Limited availability
Location: Finland
Photo: Kristian Theqvist