
niveum AGM

Rhododendron niveum
Arborea subsection
AM 1951 Tower Court, AGM (1993) 2012
Height: 2.5 - 6m
10 year height/spread: 1m/2m
Flowers: dense round trusses of 15-20 deep bluish magenta to deep lilac flowers with dark nectar pouches.
April / May
Introduced: 1849 by Hooker from Sikkim. Recollected 1970 onwards.
Distribution: N India, Sikkim & Bhutan.
2900 - 3650m.
Recognise by: flower colour, yellowish venation on upper leaves,
grey to fawn bistrate indumentum on lower leaf.
Epithet: snow-like.
Easy to grow, and a 'must have' for those who admire the striking
flower colour.

Location: Picton Castle, Wales 2009
Photo: Roger Newton