
oreotrephes AGM

Rhododendron oreotrephes
Triflora subsection
Epithet: mountain bred.
AM 1932, 1935, 1990; AGM 2012
Flowers: funnel-shaped or funnel-campanulate, 13-40mm long, rose, deep rose, purple, grey-lavender, or lavender-blue, with or without crimson spots.
Leaves: evergreen or sometimes semi-deciduous, oblong-elliptic, elliptic, oblong, oval or almost orbiculare, 18-89 x 12-42mm, upper surface green, grey-green or bluish-green, not scaly or scaly, lower pale glaucous-green or glaucous or brown, scaly.
Distribution: Mid W and NW Yunnan, NE Upper Burma, SW Sichuan, SE Tibet 2750-4900m.
Shrub or tree 0.6-7.5m high.

Location: Dorset
Photo: Russell Beeson

Location: Dorset
Photo: Russell Beeson

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Photo: Mikkel Jørgensen

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Photo: Mikkel Jørgensen