Rhododendron pachypodum
Maddenia subsection
Epithet: thick-footed.
Shrub 0.3- 1.8m high or tree to 7.6m high.
Flowers: 1-5 flowers, funnel-shaped, 46-63mm long, or rarely 28mm long, fragrant, yellow, white, pink or purplish, with or without a yellow blotch, scaly all over the outside.
Leaves: oblong-obovate, obovate, elliptic or oblong-lanceolate, coriacious, 50-100 x 20-40mm, upper surface dark green, not scaly, underside pale glaucous green, densely scaly.
Distribution: W Yunnan 2150-3050m.
Early Form
Location: South Africa
Photo: Barbara Knox-Shaw
Early Form
Location: South Africa
Photo: Barbara Knox-Shaw
Late Form
Location: South Africa
Photo: Barbara Knox-Shaw