
pachysanthum AGM

Rhododendron pachysanthum
Maculifera subsection
Epithet: with thick flowers.
FCC 1938 Trengwainton, AGM 2012
Height: to 1.5m in cultivation
10 year height/spread: 1.2m/1.0m
Flowers: white to pale rose
March - April
Introduced: 1972 by Watt from Mount Morrison, Taiwan.
Distribution: C. Taiwan.
Recognise by: persistent indumentum, silvery on upper and fawn on lower leaf surfaces.
The foliage of this species is very variable. The form shown (Crosswater form from Millais) is one of the most
silvery. The plants introduced by Patrick in 1972 differ from the plants introduced by Hayata in 1913. The
description above refers to the plants introduced more recently.

Location: Hindleap, April 1997
Photo: Mike Robinson

Location: Valley Gardens, Windsor 2011
Photo: Bryan Roebuck

Location: Wirral
Photo: Angela Brabin