Rhododendron polyanthemum
Vireya Subgenus:
Euvireya Section
Euvireya Subsection
Epithet: many flowered.
Introduced into cultivation: in Edinburgh by Martin Gardner in 1978.
Flowers: up to 30 horizontal or semi-erect flowers in a full umbel, funnel-shaped, 30-35 x 40-48mm, brilliant pink,
or orange with a yellow centre, strongly scented.
Jan, Feb, May, Sep
Foliage: elliptic or broadly elliptic, 70-150 x 40-90mm, 5-7 together in well-marked pseudowhorls, additionally with
several very reduced leaves, scaly.
Tree or Shrub to 7m, epiphytic or terrestrial.
Distribution (1300-2300m):
Malaysia: Sabah: Mt. Trus Madi, Mt. Kinabalu; Sarawak: Mt. Murud, Mt. Mulu;
It flowers in late Spring with wonderful displays of its bright orange, strongly and sweetly scented flowers with very attractive brown-scaly foliage.
Photo: Chris Callard
Location: London
Photo: Eric Annal
Location: Edinburgh