

Rhododendron protistum var. protistum
Grandia subsection
Epithet: very bashful
Height: 1.8 - 12m
Flowers: fairly compact trusses of 10-24 flowers, obliquely campanulate, ventricose, 3-4cm long, fragrant, bright pink, pink, rose or mauve-pink, with or without a purple blotch.
March - April
Leaves: 80-350 x 30-132mm, oblanceolate, oblong or oblong-obovate; upper surface shiny, glabrous, lower surface with thin plastered, shiny silver-white or fawn, continuous indumentum. Young plants glabrous.
Distribution: S and SE Tibet, 3,400 - 3,800m.

Location: Westonbirt
Photo: George Hargreaves