Rhododendron racemosum 'Rock Rose'
Scabrifolia subsection
AM 1970 Hydon, AGM (1993) 2012 (both to this clone).
Height: shrub 0.2-3m.
Flowers: clusters of many flowers in axillary groups of openly funnel shaped
bright flowers to 1.7cm long.
Introduced: 1889 by Delavay from Yunnan (the species).
Distribution: Yunnan, SW Sichuan, Guizhou 2700 - 4300m.
Recognise by: long upright growths; oval leaves matt dark green and often
glabrous above, having a markedly glaucous under surface with obvious
brown scales; the axillary flowers in bright pink. Easily recognised.
Epithet: flowers in racemes.
Easy to grow, and flowers young. One of the larger forms of the species.
Emu Valley Rhododendron Garden, Australia
Photo: Heather Walmsley
Location: Deer Dell, Surrey
Photo: John McQuire