Rhododendron roxieanum var. roxieanum
Taliensia subsection
Epithet: after Mrs Roxie Hanna of Tali-fu, China, friend of George Forrest.
Height: shrub 1-3m.
Flowers: trusses of 8-20 flowers, funnel-campanulate, 21-38mm long, creamy-white, white, white suffused with rose, pink or rose, with or without crimson spots.
Leaves: lanceolate, oblanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, 50-120 x 10-23mm, upper surface dark green , shiny, glabrous; margin moderately or slightly recurved; underside covered with thick, woolly rust or cinnnamon-coloured, brown or fawn continuous indumentum.
Distribution: SW Sichuan, E Tibet 3000 - 4900m.
Location: Denmark
Photo: Hans Eiberg