Rhododendron sidereum
Grandia section
Epithet: excellent.
AM 1964 Brodick to a clone 'Glen Rosa'
Height: 6 - 9m
10 year height/spread: 3m/3m
Flowers: clear yellow, sometimes cream
Introduced: 1919 Farrer and Forrest from N.E. Burma. Recently collected (1993)
Distribution: Burma, Yunnan, E. Arunachal Pradesh
Recognise by: similar to R.grande but flowers usually yellower and leaves smaller (to 23cm)
and narrower (to 7cm). Shining indumentum.
Anecdotes: less common away from the west of Britain so probably not very hardy.
Location: Blommerde NL
Photo: Koen Camelbeke
Location: Blommerde NL
Photo: Koen Camelbeke