Rhododendron veitchianum
Maddenia subsection
Epithet: after the famous family of nurserymen.
AM 1978 (Sunte House) to 'Margaret Mead', AGM 1993
Shrub or small tree, sometimes epiphytic, 1-3.7m high
Flowers: 2-5, funnel-shaped, 58-70mm long, margins of lobes usually crinkled, fragrant, white or white tinged pink or green outside, with or without a yellow-green blotch.
Leaves: oblong-obovate, obovate, elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, 50-100 x 20-46mm, upper surface dark green, shiny, not scaly, lower very glaucous, scaly.
Distribution: Central and Lower Burma, Thailand, Laos. 1200-2300m.
Location: South Africa
Photo: Barbara Knox-Shaw
Photo: Bryan Roebuck
Photo: Bryan Roebuck