Rhododendron veitchianum cubittii Group
Maddenia subsection
Epithet: after G.E.S. Cubitt, who collected in North Burma.
AM 1935, FCC 1962, AGM 1993
Flowers: 2-3, widely funnel-shaped, 60-83mm long, white or white flushed rose, with or without a reddish band outside, with a yellow blotch and brown spots, outside scaly.
Leaves: oblong-lanceolate, 90-108 x 25-37mm, upper surface dark green, lower pale green or glaucous green, brown scales.
Distribution:N Burma 1700m.
Shrub or tree 1.5-2.4m high; stem and branches with smooth, brown, flaking bark
Location: Dorset
Photo: Russell Beeson
Location: Dorset
Photo: Russell Beeson
Location: Dorset
Photo: Russell Beeson