Rhododendron Group of the Royal Horticultural Society Year Books 1946–1953

In 1945 a suggestion was put forward that it would be advantageous to wind up the Association and to form in its place a Group of the Royal Horticultural Society on the lines of the existing Lily Group. The idea found general acceptance, a meeting of the Association held in September, 1945, passed a resolution to this effect, and the new Group came into being. The many members of the Association who were also Fellows of the RHS, became members of the Group, other Fellows of the RHS being eligible for membership.

This quote was taken from the editorial of the first Rhododendron Year Book, published in 1946. Since then, this specialist group, in all its guises and transformations, culminating in its present form as the Rhododendron, Camellia and Magnolia Group, has published an annual journal. From 1946 until 1953 it was known simply as the Rhododendron Year Book. These editions are presented to you for download; they represent a marvellous resource for the researcher and enthusiast alike.

The new organisation was open to all RHS members who sought to learn about rhododendrons, and you will find the published list of members in the first fascinating – full of familiar names in the story of rhododendrons from right across the world.

The content in these publications is broad, ranging from the seriously scientific, to the day-to-day practicalities of cultivation and propagation and the wonders of hybridisation. New species were still being introduced to the gardener and just as today, taxonomic treatment was a hot topic for debate, hardiness contentious and different techniques abounding, especially with new materials becoming available. Exciting times to be reading about!

Until now these works have only been accessible to the lucky few; the various permissions that the Group has received make these online publications freely available to all as searchable pdfs. It is of course possible to make a donation to the Group to support the continuation of its work in bringing publications such as these to widen knowledge of rhododendrons, camellia and magnolias and their history.

These books are available subject to the Group's Takedown Policy.


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