Instructions for ordering

Please read carefully – new ordering arrangements apply this year

1. The 2024 Seed List will remain open throughout the year. Temporary closures will be announced on the website. Updates which reflect current stock and any additions will appear periodically on the website or can be requested by email.
2. In order that the Group can be seen to observe the conditions laid down by the Nagoya Treaty, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD),the Convention on Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora (CITES),and other laws concerning biodiversity, it should be noted that seed in this list is supplied in good faith that it complies with these laws and on the express understanding that it is for the personal use of the member and must not be used for commercial purposes. All seed in this list has been supplied to us as ‘garden collected’ ie collected ‘in cultivation’. It should also be noted that we offer the seed as named by the collector and therefore we cannot guarantee the produce. As a general rule open-pollinated seed will not come true to type but may produce interesting garden hybrids.
3. The first figure(s) of the list number indicate the year of collection e.g. list numbers prefixed ‘18’ were collected in 2018, ‘23’ in 2023 and so on. This year the printed list is arranged in alphabetical order but will appear in alphabetical or year-by-year order as an Excel file online.
4. Rhododendron seed and that of many other genera can be kept stored for 5 years or more if kept at a temperature of around 2°C or less, which ours is.
5. Please use the order form provided and include the item name as well as the List Number, in case of doubt or error.
The seeds are stored and numbered according to the year they were harvested† and it is essential that items are entered in LIST NUMBER ORDER. For example, all seeds with a number starting with 18 are listed first, then 19, 20 up to 23 which represents seed collected in 2023. Do not fill out your order form in alphabetical order. Remember that the seed list is available online in LIST NUMBER ORDER to help you do this. Order forms filled in incorrectly will be left until last or returned.
Continue your order on the back of the order form where necessary. Additional order forms can be downloaded from our website.
Orders may also be placed using a fillable pdf file, available on the website which may be emailed or printed and sent to the address below as required.
6. Any number of packets may be ordered (subject to a limit of one packet of any given seed list number). In an attempt to ensure that precious seed collections are distributed as far and as fairly as possible, the quantity of seed per packet will be determined by the amount available.
7. Please note that up to THREE packets of seed collected before 2020 (ie with 18 and 19 prefixes) will be available free of charge, subject to availability and the limit of one packet per seed list number as above. Please include free seed choices in the normal way on the order form.
8. Orders will be dealt with in strict order of receipt, with preference given to those members who have donated seed in the current year. Please be patient – orders will be processed as quickly as possible but return of post is not possible and after the main distribution period it may be a few weeks before they can be dealt with.
9. If the packet of your choice is sold out, we will automatically substitute a packet of the same species if available unless you state that substitutes are not acceptable by ticking the box on the order form. A list of the seed supplied will accompany your order, which will show details of any substitutes enclosed, but you are advised to keep a copy of your order as the original will be kept in case of queries.
10. Send your order by post or email to the address below with your credit/debit card details. Please note that we are no longer able to accept cheque payments. All credit card details are destroyed once the transaction is complete. For security, email card payments should be sent split into three or four separate emails. Please remember to include the card expiry date and security number – credit card payments cannot be processed without this information. Payment may also be made by PayPal, but wait to be emailed with a total amount before sending to

11. Use the order form provided and send it by email to: or by post to
Tim Atkinson, 143 Oldham Road, Rishworth, SOWERBY BRIDGE, West Yorkshire HX6 4QG
12. Prices per packet are as follows:
23 code = £2.50
22 code = £2
21 code = £1.50 20 code = £1.00
19 & 18 code = Up to 3 packets free, additional packets 50p
Open pollinated rhododendron seed clearly marked (OP) on the list will be charged at the full rate as above but will include a greater quantity of seed.
Please remember that open pollinated seed may not come true to its seed parent and is offered on the understanding that the buyer is aware of this.
13. An additional charge will be added for postage and packing as follows: UK – £3.50 EU – £4.50 Elsewhere – £5.50 (Airmail)
14. SEED IMPORTATION REGULATIONS: Overseas Members requesting seed are responsible for obtaining the necessary documentation to cover their order and for ensuring they do not apply for seed contravening current import legislation in their own countries. Any relevant paperwork should be submitted with the order and the instructions made clear. The Rhododendron, Camellia & Magnolia Group, acting in good faith, cannot be held liable for seeds impounded, confiscated or otherwise lost.
EU & NORTHERN IRELAND MEMBERS ONLY: The UK has submitted an application for third country equivalence and continues to engage with the EU to progress this application. We will not process EU or Northern Ireland members’ orders until this has been granted but in the meantime we will make every effort to ensure seed is still available.
US MEMBERS ONLY: Full details of the USDA requirements are to be found at under ‘Plant Imports/Small Lots of Seed’. You will need to provide us with two sets of order forms – one in List Number Order for the convenience of the Seed Convenor and a second one in alphabetical order for the USDA requirements.
1. (HP) = Hand pollinated (CP) = Controlled pollination (WC) = Wild collected
(Selfed) = Hand pollination where one plant is both seed and pollen parent
(OP) = Open pollinated ie naturally, without human intervention and the male (pollen) parentage cannot be established definitively.
2. To avoid confusion at a later date, if seed has a Collection Number, grow under that name rather than (or as well as) the RCM Group List Number.
3. Propagation and cultivation notes can be found on the Group website –